there are about 70,000 voters per parliamentary seat 意味

  • 議会の 1 議席についてほぼ 7 万の有権者が存在している


        parliamentary seat:    parliamentary seat 議席 ぎせき
        contest a parliamentary seat:    議会{ぎかい}の議席{ぎせき}を争う
        disparity in the number of voters per representation:    一票{いっぴょう}の格差{かくさ}
        per seat-kilometer:    座席{ざせき}キロ当たり◆運行経費の単位
        fill a parliamentary seat that was occupied by one's father:    父親{ちちおや}が占めていた国会{こっかい}の議席{ぎせき}に座る
        000:    {名-1} : 《編集》後でこの数字を正しい数字に変えよ◆原稿を作成中に使用される編集用記号。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : 《電話》オーストラリアの緊急電話番号◆警察、救急、消防。日本の110番と119番を一緒にした番号。
        100,000,000,000,000,000,000:    100,000,000,000,000,000,000 垓 がい
        1,000,000,000,000:    1,000,000,000,000 兆 ちょう
        70:    LXX〔ローマ数字。=50+10+10=L+X+X=LXX◆ 【参考】 Roman numeral〕 70% seven out of ten
        70's:    {名} : 70代、70歳代、七十代◆年齢?暦年の
        70%:    seven out of ten 70 LXX〔ローマ数字。=50+10+10=L+X+X=LXX◆ 【参考】 Roman numeral〕
        1,000,000,000:    1,000,000,000 十億 じゅうおく
        10,000,000,000:    10,000,000,000 百億 ひゃくおく
        100,000,000,000:    100,000,000,000 千億 せんおく
        10,000,000,000,000,000:    10,000,000,000,000,000 京 けい


  1. "there are a lot of witty lines in this comedy" 意味
  2. "there are a lot of women in the newspaper profession" 意味
  3. "there are a lot of young people who want to get teaching appointments at schools" 意味
  4. "there are a number of interesting items in his rsum" 意味
  5. "there are about 1,000 students enrolled in the college" 意味
  6. "there are accommodation(s) for several thousand people" 意味
  7. "there are also outside organizations to help people like this" 意味
  8. "there are always greater depths to sound in shakespeare" 意味
  9. "there are always large crowds at the display of the icon" 意味
  10. "there are a number of interesting items in his rsum" 意味
  11. "there are about 1,000 students enrolled in the college" 意味
  12. "there are accommodation(s) for several thousand people" 意味
  13. "there are also outside organizations to help people like this" 意味

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